The Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteome project (1996-2004)

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An Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial proteome project was started for a comprehensive investigation of mitochondrial functions in plants. As a first step the proteome of mitochondria isolated from suspension cell cultures was characterized by high resolution 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. Currently the proteomes of selected Arabidopsis knock-out mutants concerning nuclear genes of mitochondrial proteins are under investigation in our laboratory.
Lothar Jänsch, Udo Schmitz and Hans-Peter Braun

The potato mitochondrial proteome

Two-dimensional resolution of the mitochondrial proteome from Solanum tuberosum (potato) by Blue-native / Tricine SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Jänsch et al. 1996, Plant J. 9, 357-368). Arrows indicate identified proteins (a list of identified proteins is given below).

Identities of the separated protein complexes (from left to right): NADH dehydrogenase (~ 1000 kDa, >30 subunits), HSP60 complex (~ 750 kDa, 14mer of the HSP60 protein), F0F1 ATP synthase complex (~ 580 kDa, 13 subunits), cytochrome c reductase (~ 480 kDa, 10 subunits), F1 ATP synthase (~ 350 kDa, 6 subunits), cytochrome c oxidase (~ 230 kDa, 10 subunits).

All 10 subunits of cytochrome c reductase from potato were identified (for review see Braun and Schmitz 1995, J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 27, 423-436).

See also: Mitochondrial protein complexes of Arabidopsis

List of identified proteins
(last update: Nov. 2002)

Proteins were identified by Edman Degradation (ED) or Immunostaining (IgG). Sequences determined are N-terminal sequences.
Protein No Identity Accession Identification Sequences determined
1 Complex I, 18 kDa subunit P80268 ED ASEALVEIKPGEIGM...
2 ATP synthase (F0-part), 27 kDa subunit P80496 ED AKEAAAPTTLKGDQVL...
3 ATP synthase (F0-part), ATP9 subunit 1915346B ED MLEGA KLMGAGA ...
4 ATP synthase (F0-part), 6 kDa subunit P80497 ED MRQFDPWPVFFRREW...
5 Complex III, FeS subunit P37841 ED, IgG SNSVSPAHQLGLVSD...
6 ATP synthase (F1-part), delta' subunit P80504 ED ATDLQAGYVADSNFT...
7 ATP synthase (F1-part), ATPase inhib. subunit 2113194A ED XDSKGRIFSEEERAK...
9 Complex IV, Cox II subunit P80498 ED DAAEPWQLGFQDAAT...
10 Complex IV, subunit Vb P80499 ED TVSENVVKKVEDVMP...
11 Complex IV, subunit VIII (Vb) P80500 ED AGXXXAHXXYKGPSV...
12 Porin (POM34) P42055 ED, IgG GKGPGLYTEIGKKAR...
14 formate dehydrogenase CAA79702 ED LQASPGPKKIVGVFY...
16 glycine decarboxylase, L-subunit P80503 ED ASGSDENDVVVIGGG...
20 Complex III, beta-MPP subunit A48529
21 Complex III, alpha-MPP subunit P29677 ED, IgG SSSAAVATXPSGGL...
22 Complex III, cytochrome b P29757 ED, IgG TIRNQRLSLLKQPIS...
23 Complex III, cytochrome c1 P29610 ED, IgG DEAEHGLEXPSYPXP...
24 Complex III, 14 kDa subunit P48502 IgG blocked
25 Complex III, Hinge subunit P48504 ED, IgG SDEEVVDPKATLEVS...
26 Complex III, 8.2 kDa subunit P46269 ED GKQPVKLKAVVYAIS...
27 Complex III, 8.0 kDa subunit P46270 ED MESAARRSGGGVLEG...
28 Complex III, 6.7 kDa subunit P48505 ED TSPAAAGNGLFKFLR...
29 NAD-dep. malate dehydrogenase  Q8L5A6 ED XXXSAPER KVAVLGAAG...
30 Porin (POM34) P42055 ED GKGPGLYTEIGKKAR...
31 12 kDa subunit, complex I (At1g67350) ED GFIMEFAENLIRRLME...
32 8 kDa subunit, complex I (At2g31490) ED GGGMEYNKNKXIEE...