GelMap Projects

This shows a list of all available GelMap projects:

Featured maps (curated)

Jennifer SenklerThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of V. album - version 201823-01-18 11:18:22
Christian, JenniMitochondrial Protein Complex Proteome of Arabidopsis Wildtype Plants17-11-15 13:09:06
Leonard KiirikaMedicago Root Proteome Heatmap27-05-14 18:35:41
Jennifer KlodmannProtein complex proteome of Arabidopsis plant mitochondria03-04-14 14:53:57
Katrin PetersMitochondrial complex I of Arabidopsis: subunits resolved by 3D PAGE24-04-13 16:33:01
Jennifer KlodmannThe 'protein complex proteome' of Arabidopsis mitochondria23-04-13 11:47:44
Christof BehrensThe protein complex proteome of chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana08-03-13 17:09:38
Jennifer KlodmannMitochondrial complex I of Arabidopsis: SDS-induced subcomplexes (2D BN/SDS PAGE)05-03-13 12:06:16
Leonard KiirikaMedicago truncatula30-01-13 11:03:54
Chun Pong LeeArabidopsis Green Tissue: 2D IEF/SDS13-10-12 13:15:38
Huang et al.Oryza sativa Mitochondrial Proteome13-10-12 12:42:35
Taylor, Heazlewood, MillarIEF/SDS-PAGE Arabidopsis mitochondrial proteins13-10-12 12:33:44
Christina RodeProteome reference map of Cyclamen persicum zygotic embryos12-10-12 16:20:02

Other Projects

These projects are not reviewed by us. It is possible, that some of these maps are broken or work in progress. We keep this index mainly for users who forgot their project ID.

Public maps (not protected)

 PraktikumBN-SDS PAGE Lupinensamen Mitochondrien16-01-25 09:27:30
 15-08-24 18:39:34
 praktikumBPP_BN-SDS_SpirodelaMitochondrien15-01-24 11:23:34
 praktikumBPP_BN-SDS_SpirodelaMitochondrien11-01-24 10:49:43
 Test05-09-23 09:20:59
 Test05-09-23 08:58:18
 DBTest05-09-23 08:37:04
 DBTest04-09-23 20:17:05
 DBTest04-09-23 17:19:09
 Jennitest spotpicker28-03-23 11:47:53
 JenniBPP: BN-SDS PAGE mitochondrialer Proteine aus Spirodela polyrhiza12-01-23 11:06:20
 aa21-07-22 11:58:31
 Bioanalytik 2022BN-SDS PAGE of Equisetum mitochondria26-01-22 18:00:42
 Lucie SchröderViscum album Mitochondria Gelmap evaluated with VaGs23-07-21 16:01:13
 Praktikum BPP1u5The Mitochondrial Proteome of Polytomella sp.21-01-21 19:24:11
 Praktikum BPP1Mitochondrial Proteome of Polytomella Mitochondria14-01-21 20:05:29
 Polytomella mitochondrial complex I28-09-20 10:07:54
 RobinBN-SDS PAGE of Polytomella mitochondria07-09-20 10:00:06
 Robin SchulzMasterarbeit - Polytomella sp.04-09-20 16:17:41
 30-12-19 18:33:09
 BurnistonDiurnal phophoproteomics15-08-19 14:13:20
 18-07-18 23:16:29
 18-07-18 23:12:32
 18-07-18 23:10:35
 18-07-18 22:58:55
 22-03-18 08:39:50
 22-03-18 08:39:22
 05-03-18 11:19:13
 14-02-18 09:57:54
 14-02-18 07:52:34
 14-02-18 07:51:55
 The mitochondrial protein complex proteome of V. album23-01-18 11:17:04
 Praktikum PC 20172D BN SDS PAGE of Polytomella Mitochondria12-01-17 12:05:20
 09-08-16 19:19:14
 Praktikum2D BN SDS PAGE of mitochondrial proteins from Solanum tuberosum14-01-16 11:12:42
 Praktikum2D BN SDS PAGE of mitochondrial proteins from Solanum tuberosum14-01-16 11:08:55
 Lars WöhlbrandDesulfobacula toluolica Tol2 - fumarate21-08-15 13:33:30
 Strecker, TinaCrude mitochondria from human osteosarcoma 143B cells transduced by mock shRNAmir13-05-15 13:09:57
 JenniThe protein complex proteome of Arabidopsis mitochondria18-02-15 12:10:42
 Gruppe4 ProteinChemieElodea Mitochondrien nach BN SDS PAGE08-01-15 11:32:19
 JennitestKoord08-01-15 10:39:39
 tykytest207-01-15 13:29:41
 tykytest07-01-15 13:27:56
 Balbuena/LeonardiEucalyptus urograndis leaf proteome27-10-14 17:42:14
 Sabine KlugeVero infection preparative24-09-14 13:11:59
 Jodiemodel14-08-14 17:32:59
 JenniProtein complexes of Arabidopsis plant mitochondria31-03-14 11:01:56
 MichaelDehydrogenase special II27-02-14 10:52:01
 Leonard KiirikaThe Medicago truncatula root proteome HeatMap13-02-14 11:47:04
 LeonardThe Medicago truncatula root infection proteome Heatmap13-02-14 10:55:02
 Leonardi,BalbuenaEucalyptus urograndis leaf proteome29-01-14 15:58:04
 LeonardThe mitochondrial protein complex of Medicago truncatula18-10-13 09:27:47
 Christof BehrensThe protein complex proteome of chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana18-06-13 17:33:07
 Christof Behrens The protein complex proteome of chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana14-06-13 18:29:51
 JenniMitochondrial complex I of Arabidopsis: SDS-induced subcomplexes (2D BN/SDS PAGE) 06-05-13 11:34:22
 JenniHeatMap Plant Mitochondria Complexome06-05-13 11:15:21
 JenniHeatMap Plant Mitochondria Complexome03-05-13 10:35:39
 Sabine KlugeMDCK adaptation preparative11-04-13 08:38:47
 kpeMitochondrial complex I of Arabidopsis: subunits resolved by 3D PAGE20-03-13 14:34:53
 The 'protein complex proteome' of chloroplasts in Arabidopsis thaliana12-02-13 11:18:16
 JenniThe protein complex proteome of Arabidopsis mitochondria10-01-13 15:21:19
 Christof BehrensThe protein complex proteome of Arabidopsis chloroplasts17-12-12 12:15:34
 Jennifer KlodmannMitochondrial Complex I of Arabidopsis thaliana12-12-12 16:22:11
 Michael SenklerAbteilung Pflanzenproteomik13-10-12 13:36:36
 Jennifer KlodmannThe protein complex proteome of Arabidopsis mitochondria12-10-12 16:46:02

Private maps (password protected)

 JenniPhaeodactylum Complex I Subcomplexes20-03-25 13:21:08
 JenniCI Phaeo Tests19-03-25 11:12:57
 JenniBN-SDS PAGE of Complex I from Phaeodactylum ALL PROTEINS19-03-25 10:24:51
 Fede, JenniBN-SDS PAGE of Complex I from Phaeodactylum tricornutum18-03-25 21:05:02
 Fede, JenniProtein Complex Proteome of Phaeodactylum tricornutum12-02-25 12:03:18
 Fede & JenniProtein Complex Proteome of Phaeodactylum tricornutum14-11-24 09:09:05
 Christin, Jenni2D IEF-SDS PAGE of the Solanum scabrum seed proteome23-11-23 14:12:09
 Jana KalvelagePhotosystem Prorocentrum cordatum 23Jun202323-06-23 13:40:59
 Jana KalvelagePhotosystem Prorocentrum cordatum22-06-23 10:45:06
 JenniThe protein complex proteome of Spirodela mitochondria05-04-23 11:29:48
 JenniThe protein complex proteome of Lupinus albus seed mitochondria (2D BN/SDS)31-03-23 15:22:23
 Jana KalvelagePhotosystem Prorocentrum cordatum Nov 202122-03-23 09:14:10
 A.NolteTest_M910-03-23 10:27:16
 testusertestmap03-03-23 13:28:56
 testnametestmap01-04-22 11:00:32
 Prorocentrum minimum ChloroplastPminimum Chloroplast 101-04-22 08:34:37
 LucieViscum album Mitochondria Gelmap evaluated with VaGs23-06-21 09:34:33
 Jessica SchlüterThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of Equisetum arvense11-03-21 15:37:42
 Lucietest02-03-21 12:36:49
 LucieViscum album Mitochondria re-evaluation 202125-02-21 15:16:52
 Jessica SchlüterThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of Equisetum arvense24-02-21 09:15:00
 LucieViscum album Mitochondria re-evaluation29-01-21 15:16:54
 LucieViscum album Mito new28-01-21 15:43:50
 Viscum album Mito28-01-21 09:48:33
 LucieViscum album Mitochondria new14-01-21 13:27:56
 SaraIEF-SDS PAGE of Viscum album leaves07-09-20 10:10:44
 Jenni2D SDS/SDS PAGE of Polytomella04-09-20 08:39:04
 Sara Fachinger2D IEF-SDS PAGE of Viscum album leaves31-08-20 09:58:39
 Jennitest map 13-8-2013-08-20 15:40:50
 Jennitest map new06-07-20 08:53:15
 JenniTest Map01-07-20 10:47:07
 praktikum20Proteins from fruit pulp of viscum album09-01-20 11:48:02
 Mitochondrial Proteincomplexes of Polytomella09-01-20 11:31:44
 Protein_1Gwanghee Kim16-12-19 04:36:37
 LKelly15-08-19 14:28:35
 BurnistonDiurnal phophoproteomics15-08-19 14:04:09
 ZEZE19-04-19 04:23:22
 Colin FeldmannThe Protein Complex Proteome of Marchantia Mitochondria12-04-19 08:17:19
 praktikumBN-SDS PAGE of Equisetum mitochondria10-01-19 12:01:52
 Jennitest Elo18-06-18 15:11:50
 JenniBN-SDS PAGE of Polytomella mitochondria - Chlamy DB27-04-18 09:57:43
 VictorFVA23-02-18 20:56:07
 SSpringerThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii15-02-18 11:04:04
 SSpringerThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of Polytomella sp.12-02-18 14:13:10
 DKynastBN-SDS PAGE of the mitochondrial proteome of Gracilaria vermiculophylla23-01-18 11:25:46
 JSenklerThe mitochondrial protein complex proteome of V. album - Viscum database23-01-18 11:21:34
 Va - Va database17-10-17 14:33:03
 JenniVa+ under construction13-10-17 19:40:52
 JenniVa under construction13-10-17 19:31:33
 Test22-09-17 11:02:12
 Jennitest Jenni13-09-17 11:24:11
 michatmp4peps12-01-17 08:52:21
 P. OgadaIEF-SDS PAGE of the F. occidentalis proteome after 24h exposure to TSWV24-10-16 20:42:37
 PamellaIEF-SDS PAGE of the F. occidentalis proteome after 24h exposure to TSWV31-05-16 09:02:27
 MichaF. occidentalis31-05-16 08:37:10
 test12-01-16 11:23:04
 Christianrel. MS Score Range Test Map A.t.17-11-15 13:15:58
 ChristianMitochondrial Protein Complex Proteome of Arabidopsis Long-Day Plants27-10-15 07:38:01
 TimoDestabilization of mitochondrial Complex I from Solanum tuberosum09-10-15 08:11:52
 TimoDestabilization of mitochondrial complex I from Solanum tuberosum02-10-15 10:39:37
 Michacomplexome project by mm24-06-15 07:59:29
 bllimTest13-02-15 09:32:05
 JenniBN-SDS PAGE A.t. plants mitochondria with DIGE overlay (Sharifa)09-11-14 17:32:52
 JenniBN-SDS PAGE A.t. mitochondria with DIGE overlay (Sharifa)09-11-14 16:37:26
 tyky90 unique proteins of plant map08-04-14 14:10:18
 tyky91 unique green14-03-14 13:31:21
 tyky91plant14-03-14 08:59:42
 tykyminty unique plants03-03-14 17:14:35
 MichaelDehydrogenase special27-02-14 10:14:11
 tykyminty art25-02-14 09:46:56
 Michael13-02-14 11:29:09
 tykyminty fresh cut off unique per lane11-02-14 10:58:16
 tykyminty fresh10-02-14 10:27:42
 tykyminty test05-02-14 14:28:35
 tykyminty refresh03-02-14 14:36:23
 TSBTSB29-01-14 15:50:31
 TSBTSB29-01-14 15:24:29
 LeonardMedicago truncantula root proteome heatmap21-10-13 14:31:12
 LeonardMedicago Heatmap23-09-13 18:19:55
 LeonardMedicago Heatmap23-09-13 10:03:01
 LeonardMedicago Root Proteome Heatmap12-08-13 16:57:37
 tykyBN08-08-13 19:12:37
 tykygreentest07-08-13 17:23:07
 Sabine KlugeMDCK.SUS infection preparative05-08-13 16:59:53
 LeonardMedicago Heatmap30-07-13 15:25:11
 Leo testMed30-07-13 15:07:27
 Sabine KlugeMDCK.ADH infection preparative29-07-13 16:29:46
 LeoMedicago Heatmap25-07-13 19:57:06
 LeonardMedicaho Heatmap19-07-13 17:28:23
 LeonardMedicago Heatmap11-07-13 10:59:11
 KiirikaMedicago Heatmap11-07-13 10:11:11
 LeonardMedicago Heatmap08-07-13 21:51:13
 Leonard KiirikaHeatMap Kiirika28-06-13 08:42:33
 Leonard KiirikaHeatMap Kiirika28-06-13 08:33:53
 SisyphusGelmap Chloros JOP NEW 1.014-06-13 13:30:46
 Karin GorzolkaBraemar barley whole seeds during malting: Detected spots, protein identifications, and tendencies; Dissertation Karin Gorzolka15-05-13 13:27:10
 Karin Gorzolka Quench barley embryos: Detected spots, protein identifications, and tendencies during malting; Dissertation Karin Gorzolka15-05-13 12:53:47
 JenniHeatMap Plant Mitochondria Complexome03-05-13 10:21:57
 kpeKatrin_RV.124-04-13 14:40:31
 kpeKatrin_RV24-04-13 14:36:50
 testtest12-04-13 12:42:32
 testtest04-04-13 16:11:08
 kpeKatrin_4.120-03-13 12:04:41
 kpeKatrin_4.019-03-13 12:23:26
 kpeKatrin 3.513-03-13 16:05:53
 kpeKatrin 3.412-03-13 12:03:01
 kpeKatrin 3.312-03-13 11:57:26
 kpeKatrin 3.211-03-13 15:54:45
 kpeKatrin 3.111-03-13 15:46:39
 kpeKatrin 3.011-03-13 15:43:21
 kpeKatrin_2.201-03-13 15:42:08
 kpeKatrin_2.127-02-13 15:53:32
 kpeKatrin_2.027-02-13 15:51:30
 SWtestSWtest05-02-13 13:15:40
 LeonardMedicago30-01-13 10:57:43
 Kathrintest30-01-13 00:51:29
 LeonardMedicago17-01-13 10:11:37
 Michael SenklerExample Map14-01-13 11:49:34
 MedMedicago test table04-01-13 16:33:18
 LeonardMedicago20-12-12 18:22:13
 LeonardMedicago truncatula19-12-12 13:59:51
 12312315-12-12 18:18:06
 MichaChristof 13.015-12-12 18:12:30
 michapeptide_test15-12-12 18:02:51
 cbeChristof 12.013-12-12 12:19:08